Burning Man as seen through the Eyes of Gawd...

Photography by John Dyer Copyright 2003

The Black Rock Sky is the page background

Actual picture of the Eyes of Gawd with the Man in the background

Our Eyes of Gawd  crew de jour...

We kicked up a lot of dust out there

Our city surrounds the Man

The Man - Beyond Belief - 2003


Colorful Playa People

More of the Women of Black Rock riding for freedom

We took a ride in the Ziggurnaut and ended up in the DPW parade!

Interesting use for a Hummer...

Above - The big draw!  Our photo opportunity always drew a crowd, and was lots of fun.

Below - It was also deemed obscene by the county sheriff.  Jim discusses the problem.


Lady Bee, Jim Bowers and Mike Tackaberry get ready to ride the Ziggernot

As we drove the EoG about, the views were striking

The playa dust made Gawd blink a lot...

Dust so thick it looked like snow to the camera, the loyal support crew braves the blow.

The Tribe Class Photo 2003

Our clueless leader checks the balloons for inflation.

The first (and only) flying of the Eyes of Gawd.  Our crew releases them to the sky.

Actual photo of Eyes of Gawd floating 75 feet in the sky above Black Rock City



The Burn began with a bang this year, and fine pyrotechnics!

A lucky few of us sat on the Ziggernot and viewed this actually through the Eyes of Gawd


The Man collapses and falls toward us.


The Fire of Man through the Eyes of Gawd


Sunday brought a stiff blow that left a foot long rip in one of our balloons.


My most sincere love and thanks go to the wonderful members of the Tribe.  They truly are the mark of civilized honest folk that I'm proud to count as my friends and campasinos.

Go to John Dyer's Homepage - Tesla Coils previous Burning Man Resume and much more!

Go to my evil twins homepage! Building the Eyes of Gawd, pix of my cat, Puck and more.

Comments or Questions? I would love to hear from you!





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